Saturday, August 9, 2008

Into the Darkness.....

Welcome... Muahahaha... I know it's neither Halloween nor Friday the 13th but I got this flashlight... and had an urge to use it... When the darkness had fallen, I decided not to utilise the lights... So.. here's a chapter of the Hidden Chapel... The Chapel of Darkness... BOO! HAHA

Eye can see you! Hahaha get it? Eye... like I... yeah.. lame I know... Hahaha

Here I am cooking... At a very horrific scene... I could hear those empty footsteps, just hovering across those cold evening floors.... which sent shivers down my butt cheeks... Hahaha...

Eerie indeed...

There's something in the shadow!

This is that "Candy Days" where I continuously abused my mouth filled with sweets... I just had to put this picture up... It reminds me of a child, a Freak child to be more precise... Hahahah...

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