Monday, September 7, 2009

Another beginning...

It has been quite sometime since I have updated anything that's worth while...

Today would be the day for another beginning..
Slow and steady, as long as I remember to breathe every time I stop moving forward.
Life is about freedom, experience and take everything that the world has to offer.

There are a few simple steps that I take for granted:
1) Stop caring (only care about yourself) no matter how wrong it is sometimes.
2) Know what you love the most and cherish it, perfecting it so you won't regret loving it.
3) Do nothing and enjoy nature (Smile while your at it and listen to good music)
4) Be proud of being happy (Be proud when your sad too)
5) Share your happiness (The more you share, the more you feel important in everyone's lives)

You know you want to take these simple steps into account and so you should.
You shouldn't feel awkward for being yourself because life is a gift with no boundaries.
Live and let go

If you're gonna do it
Do it with all your might

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